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Third in order of magnitude, its eleven kilometers of coastline are embellished by coves protected by granite. Here history has left its mark, magically merged with the surrounding nature.

Spargi and Cala Corsara - Cala Granara: a boat excursion between history and nature

The third stop of the excursion to the islands of La Maddalena stops right in Spargi. A visit to this jewel of the Maddalena treasure cannot be neglected.

Its white beaches seem to have stood still set in time, intact and uncontaminated, crossed only by the sounds of seabirds that fly over the waters and take refuge in the interior and in the nearby islands. In the eastern part there are the most sought after beaches: Cala Corsara, Cala Granara and Cala Connari, the perfect places for swimming and for capturing all the peculiar elements of the island: colors, perfumes, landscapes and traces of history.

Our tour will stop in Cala Granara or Cala Corsara for about an hour, to give you time to swim and satisfy your senses by touching the fine sand and the freshness of the crystal clear water with your hand. The beauty of the beach is also characterized by other attractions, including the tafone, the first "house" of the island, a natural cavity in the rock that was used as a dwelling since the times of the nuragics and which tells the importance of these coasts. from antiquity. The dream beaches are intertwined with the signs of man. This is also the magic of Spargi. Its coasts, the sand dunes that distinguish some coves and the splendid sea leave room for the remains of the historical events that took place in this enchanting strip of land from the Neolithic to the twentieth century.

You can experience all this and the ensuing emotions by getting on board Lady Luna 2 and visiting the enchantment between Spargi and La Maddalena with us.

The other beaches and the island of Spargi

The excursion with Lady Luna 2 will take you to Cala Granara or Cala Corsara, the most beautiful beaches in Spargi, but does not neglect to allow visitors to see the other beaches as well. The island, which seems impenetrable to those arriving by sea from the west, instead reserves the spectacle of the unfolding of various coves.

The rocks overlooking the sea give way to the vegetation and granites that degrade on the beach. In addition to the aforementioned Cala Corsara and Cala Granara we remember Cala Cioccaro, also renamed Cala Soraya, a paradise that hosts a thriving Mediterranean scrub, with its most particular species. Moving your gaze towards the horizon you can admire the islets of Spargiotto and Spargiottello, the latter separated from Spargi by an important channel of sand which enhances the turquoise transparency of the water.

It is the seabed that gives visitors further wonders, especially those who love diving. At the Cala Corsara shoal the main attraction is the wreck of Spargi, a Roman ship found in 1939 but belonging to the 2nd century BC. The finds belonging to the ship's cargo are exhibited at the Nino Lamboglia della Maddalena museum. How many surprises await you in Spargi.

Sail with us, discover them, admire them, live them and bring them into your memories.

Between Spargi and La Maddalena: the wild wonder

From a naturalistic point of view, the island of Spargi is striking for its contrasts. From the rugged conformation of the rocks, unique and rare species of wild flora are born, and other typically local species such as cysts, strawberry trees, junipers and mastic trees. The area is protected by the Park Authority as a nesting site for rare bird species of marine avifauna, such as the Corsican Gull, the Greater and Less Shearwater and the Stormbird, which have chosen the nearby islets as their chosen site. The surface of Spargi is about 4.2 square kilometers, which can be enjoyed from the highest point of Guardia Preposte, at a height of about 153 meters above the sea level.

The abundance of water in the area generates an unusual phenomenon in the rainy season, when small streams called vadine descend towards the sea, furrowing the beaches. The granite and wild nature of this corner of the Archipelago has allowed the island of Spargi to remain almost uninhabited, with the exception of the short periods in which it was used as a passing outpost, useful for those who traveled commercial routes or needed privileged sighting positions. from a military point of view.

Now, in addition to the unforgettable sea and luxuriant nature, it is above all the rocks that remain imprinted on visitors, who, playing with the imagination and the profiles of the granite, perceive images in them. The witch rock and the bulldog rock are famous, but anyone can use their imagination to see new shapes. Finally, it is history that adds an extra touch to the distinctive features of this part of the La Maddalena Archipelago National Park.

The military fortifications of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and the military bases that were used during the world wars are still visible, creating a fascinating contradiction of human and natural footprints.

  • Island of Spargi

    The most intact among the islands of the La Maddalena Archipelago

    The island of Spargi appears to visitors as a fascinating land emerged from the blue water. It is the most inaccessible and wildest of the archipelago, lashed by the scents of a thick Mediterranean scrub.

  • Island of Santa Maria

    The homonymous beach with very fine sand

    The island of the archipelago that lies further north is Santa Maria. On the horizon only the sea, in all its splendor. Let's get closer with our boat and stop for a long stop on its beautiful beach, to celebrate a moment of extraordinary fusion with the surrounding environment.

  • La Maddalena Island

    Visit to the city of La Maddalena between historical places and shopping

    It is the only one to be inhabited continuously and its beauties unfold over a larger area than the other islands, about 45 kilometers of coastline that reserve continuous surprises.

  • Island of Budelli

    The most beautiful beaches in the world

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